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A keynote speech can be an incredible boost to your event.  It sets the tone, context, and expectations for the entire event, and plays an enormous role in the audiences’ perception of your meeting.  A good keynote speaker will bring tremendous knowledge on the desired topic, and deliver it with top-notch visuals along with a fun, energetic, and galvanizing presentation style.

For more than a decade, Spencer has been giving presentations to Fortune 100 audiences of all sizes.  He delivers information-intensive keynotes with an interactive and engaging style that makes complex ideas simple, and keeps the audience both at full-attention as well as entertained.

As with all Penhart Performance Group engagements, Spencer will work with you and your organization to customize his speech to meet your exact needs, and deliver exactly the right message.



Insight Selling in the “New Normal” Economy

The Business-to- Business marketplace has changed drastically over the past decade. Buyers have more control in the “New Normal” economy than ever, and have successfully marginalized suppliers to price wars, eating into your profits. Many companies have responded by moving to an Insight Selling model, while others are still trying to decide if it is the right approach for them. This speech is designed to provide an overview of Insight Selling, why it makes sense, and what is necessary to execute it effectively.

Key elements of this speech include:

  • The history of the “New Normal” economy, and how B2B customers have changed because of it
  • Why an Insight Selling approach is effective in this new environment
  • Understanding the Commercial Teaching approach, and altering your customers’ perception of need
  • The core skills for Insight Selling
  • How Marketing and Sales need to work together to be effective with this approach

Customization options: Spencer never delivers a generic speech. Contact our office to discuss how this speech can be customized to your specific needs and situation, and help make your meeting a rousing success.

Achieving Business Excellence

This speech was created to help your management team and organization learn the essential attributes for turning your company into a world-class organization, and succeeding at a higher level in the marketplace. Top companies are able to achieve high profitability by mastering sound business practices, engaging their employees, and creating passionate, loyal customers. You can too.

Key elements of this speech include:

  • The importance of creating a clear vision and focused strategy
  • Numerous benchmarking data against top companies
  • The four primary and four secondary drivers of business excellence
  • The importance of mastering the organization’s “moments of truth”
  • Why it is critical to own the voice of the customer
  • An in-depth look at how organizations create effective strategies

Customization options: Spencer never delivers a generic speech. Contact our office to discuss how this speech can be customized to your specific needs and situation, and help make your meeting a rousing success.

Creating a Culture of Performance

There are few things that can grow your business like a winning, positive, accountable culture. Volumes of research show that highly engaged and satisfied employees can generate as much as a 104%-189% increase in profitability, while a poor organizational culture with disengaged employees can cost a company up to 22% of total revenues. Best of all, a culture of performance enables you and your employees to be both happier and more successful, and to grow together with mutual benefit.

Key elements of this speech include:

  • How culture generates cash, and why it should be a key corporate strategy
  • What creates engagement, enthusiasm, and loyalty in employees
  • How high-performing employees have changed over time o Creating an organizational identity, and mobilizing your employees behind that vision
  • Creating a work environment that enables success
  • Defining the behaviors and ways of working that will generate your desired culture and commitment to results o How to sustain and solidify your desired culture over time

Customization options: Spencer never delivers a generic speech. Contact our office to discuss how this speech can be customized to your specific needs and situation, and help make your meeting a rousing success.

Building High-Performance Teams

The success of your organization is largely dependent upon your ability to work together. This starts at the executive team level, and moves all the way down the org chart. As a manager, you have incredible influence over your immediate team, and enhancing their commitment and collaboration is one of your fastest options for improving their results and performance.

Key elements of this speech include:

  • Why teams are so critical to the success of an organization
  • The major barriers to building a team
  • Leading research on team dynamics, pitfalls and successes o How great teams are built, run and sustained
  • Key measurements for team effectiveness

Customization options: Spencer never delivers a generic speech. Contact our office to discuss how this speech can be customized to your specific needs and situation, and help make your meeting a rousing success.

Leading With Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is now widely considered to be the most important attribute of effective leaders both today and in the future. To effectively influence and inspire employees, leaders need to be able to connect with them on an emotional level. This ability stems from the leader’s emotional intelligence skills, which can be developed with the help of knowledge, awareness, and practice.

Key elements of this speech include:

  • A clear understanding of what Emotional Intelligence is and isn’t
  • The four domains of emotional intelligence, and their components
  • The six distinct leadership styles, and how they impact your employees and work environment
  • How to harness your emotional intelligence skills to become a resonant leader
  • How to improve your emotional intelligence and related skills

Customization options: Spencer never delivers a generic speech. Contact our office to discuss how this speech can be customized to your specific needs and situation, and help make your meeting a rousing success.

The Science of High Performance

We can’t lie – this is Spencer’s favorite topic! This highly unique and differentiated speech was designed to answer the question, “What makes a high-performer a high-performer, and how can those elements be incorporated into the workplace?” During this speech, participants will analyze specific elements of their mental toughness, and identify specific strengths and weaknesses they can develop to enhance their individual and team performance. Founded in research across multiple disciplines of business and psychology, the content focuses only on areas that are modifiable and within one’s control, and will enable audience members to elevate their motivation and performance to new heights. This speech has been described by numerous participants as the most eye-opening speech they have heard, and applies to employees at every level of an organization.

Key elements of this speech include:

  • The importance of self-awareness
  • Character attributes of high-performers
  • How mindset drives behavior
  • Handling failure and adversity
  • Using stress productively
  • Setting your personal standard and self-expectations o Interactive activities to demonstrate the concepts
  • How to improve in these areas yourself

Customization options: Spencer never delivers a generic speech. Contact our office to discuss how this speech can be customized to your specific needs and situation, and help make your meeting a rousing success.